What is Traditional Korean Game Yut-nori?

Yut-nori (윳놀이), is a traditional Korean family board game, which is played mostly during the Lunar new year (설날). The combing form -nori (놀이) means game. Yut-nori, is also known as yunori, nyout, yoot, cheok-sa or sa-hee. It is believed that yut-nori, is played since The Three Kingdoms (57 BCE-668 CE), but it is imprecise.

What is Traditional Korean Game Yut-nori?
A folk game explanation is describing a bet by some villagers to raise five different kinds of livestock. Pigs, dogs, sheep, cows, and horses. Each of the villagers would raise only one kind.

Yut-nori, consists of a board, 4 yut sticks, and 8 small tokens -4 for each team.

The board, is called "malpan" (말판). This board was historically round, made of stitched cloth. However, in our days, it has a rectangular shape and the board material is either a paper, plastic, or wood sheet. The board has 4 straight lines along the edges and 2 diagonal lines inside the rectangle. The markings on the board indicate stations.

The yut sticks, which are called "jang-jak-yut" (장작윷), are traditionally wooden, and they are used as dice. Each stick has to have a flat and a round side. Yut sticks are 4 sticks with 15-17cm in length and a diameter of about 2-3cm. These sticks are split into halves. Chestnut wood is most commonly used, but birch wood is also common. These woods are chosen for weight and the fresh sound they make when playing.

Small tokens, are named "mal" (말), which means "horse". They are usually made from black and white plastic. Common mals are coins, buttons, small pebbles or even chess beads. However, they can be anything, as long as there are 2 different colors for the 2 different teams.
How to play yut-nori

The game's aim is either to return all of your tokens back to the start or to stop on one of the corner squares you can take a short cut.

What is Traditional Korean Game Yut-nori?

If you score 1 stick facing up, you can move one place. This is called "Do".

If you score 2 sticks facing up, you can move two places. This is called "Gae".

If you score 3 sticks facing up, you can move three places. This is called "Geol".

If you score 4 sticks facing down, you can move four places. This is called "Yut". There is also a bonus and you can throw it again, which is optional because some people do not include this.

If you score 4 sticks facing up, you can move five places. This is called "Mo" Like "Yut" you can get a bonus of throwing again.

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